We stayed in the RV park in the woods at Colter Bay for 2 nights and one full day. It was actually the first day of our trip that we didn't have anything pressing to do, so we really enjoyed having a nice relaxing day.

It is a big RV park with over 120 space, but you still really felt like you were in a quiet forest. There was everything from very small trailers to huge motorhomes probably costing close to a million dollars.

Jackson Lake is very beautiful with high mountains on the other side and crystal clear water. The rocks on the shore are amazing with many different colors.

Driving in to the park.
Our RV and our neighbors.
The path from the RV park down to the lake. It was just a short walk.
The haze is smoke from forest fires in Canada.
The beautiful rocks in crystal clear water.
Rocks on the shore.
Another tree to love.
We didn't have very far to drive the next day so we spent a few hours exploring around the Colter Village area before taking off to Jackson Hole.
As you can see, the marina was mostly a dry dock, but they seemed confident that it would fill up in a few weeks.
Cabin area at Colter Bay. The cabins, restaurant, and campgrounds weren't open for the season yet, but were scheduled to open in another week.